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The Skillz Café

Pensieri, opinioni e esperienze
Cinghiali con la cravatta

Cinghiali con la cravatta

Correva l’anno 1960 e la “Guerra Fredda” era in corso da più di un decennio. Nel corso di una plenaria delle Nazioni Unite a New York, scoppia una violenta polemica tra il rappresentante delle Filippine e il leader sovietico Nikita Khrushchev. Preso dalla foga, il...

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Propaganda Wars

Propaganda Wars

The conflict in Ukraine is being fought not only on the Lysychansk ridge or in the marshy south near Kherson. While the pace of the shooting war has slowed down somewhat, the communication skirmish between Ukraine and Russia is still fiercely on. An all-out effort is...

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Dictatorial Blunders

Dictatorial Blunders

Vladimir Putin deserves to join the ranks of those strongmen whose strategic miscalculations ended up producing unmitigated disasters—firstly for their troops and ultimately for them, too. As a corollary to this statement, tactical and strategic decisions must remain...

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Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumber

Let’s face it, the war in Ukraine is nothing short of tragic. Yet, as is the case in most human-made catastrophes, there’s an element of ridicule that is worth mentioning. It’s the role of Belarus, a country of 10 million people with a GDP that’s slightly higher than...

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Previously on The Skillz Café