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The Skillz Café

Pensieri, opinioni e esperienze
A pivotal moment

A pivotal moment

In the space of a few days, the mood in Russia has changed. Ukraine has made a superbly effective surprise move and caught the Russians totally unprepared. While conducting a deliberate counteroffensive in the south, in the Kherson Oblast, Kyiv’s forces have suddenly...

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Putin ha rotto il giocattolo

Putin ha rotto il giocattolo

Dal 2015, la cittadina russa di Kubinka, presso Mosca, ospita un evento dedicato al settore degli armamenti chiamato Army. Non è un omaggio alla lingua inglese ma la trascrizione della parola russa che, come in inglese, significa Esercito. Quest’anno, l’appuntamento è...

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Putin’s G-Men Already Cracked the Case

Putin’s G-Men Already Cracked the Case

Darya Dugina, the daughter of extremist Russian firebrand Alexander Dugin, notoriously died when her car blew up in a Moscow suburb a few days ago. Talk about poetic justice. Not only was she the daughter of one of the ideological instigators of the invasion of...

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A stealthy genocide

A stealthy genocide

We are all aware of the crimes against humanity committed by Russia during its unwarranted and illegal invasion of Ukraine. Most of us have been horrified at the harsh imagery of civilians gunned down on city streets, the contents of their shopping bags strewn all...

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Previously on The Skillz Café