K9 Golfing
No, there’s officially no such sport (yet). I invented it.
All you need is a rubber ball, a ball launcher and a dog. Next you must find a park where your K9 friend can run free and you’re good to go.
The ball must be a sturdy, resilient one that will withstand the crushing power of your dog’s jaws. The launcher resembles the arm of a catapult, an ancient ballistic device, and can be found in any pet store.
Also, your dog must love fetching balls—believe it or not, some dogs don’t.
You start off by launching the ball in a given direction. Your dog will chase after it while you follow in the same direction at a brisk pace. Retrieve the ball from your dog (not always an easy task) and fling it again in any direction.
That’s about the size of it.
Do it for an hour and you will have enjoyed a great walk around the park while your dog will be happily panting from the workout and ready for a snooze.
I can’t speak for my dog, but I find K9 golfing a very effective way to collect my thoughts in preparation for a meeting or a seminar. I’ve made a number of good decisions while K9 golfing.
Unlike golf proper, where a certain degree of proficiency is required to enjoy the game, here you just need to launch a rubber ball where your dog will find it. Not a very demanding exercise, which will allow your brain to work unimpeded while you progress in your tour of the park.
My first personal experience of golfing (the gentleman’s variety) was not a happy one. It happened around 1985 at the Karachi Golf Club in Pakistan and there never was a second time. I guess it just wasn’t for me.
K9 golfing instead has become a favorite pastime of mine and my dog concurs wholeheartedly.